Monday, November 27, 2006
Weeee been playing game 24/7 these few days. Restarted Ragnarok, but this time I'm on a different server again... My Godlike Silent Killer still in Nameless RO though. Only been playing in Ancient RO for 2 days, and my Silent Killer is already level 192, and my Kel Morian is already 170. Man, I gotta be a pro heh. "Soon you will see me rise above others, and become GOD of all Assassins in Ancient RO as well as the BEST PVP player in the server MUHAHAHAHAHA. I wanted to create a guild yesterday so I asked GIRLS only whether they were interested in playing but it was a nono... Guess none of the YISS people know Ragnarok huh?... Oh well, its back to SAS guild then MUHAHAHAHAHA.
Hmm other than Ragnarok, I've been playing Starcraft as well. Maybe if I go back to Korea and I can win those Starcraft tournaments hah. They pay the winner quite a lot lol. Some people in Korea make a living out of their pro Starcraft skills. Bet I can match up to them with my Kel-Morian Battlecruiser fleet MUHAHAHAHA. OR my Gateway lover strategy MUHAHAHAHHA. OR my Hydralisk lover strategy MUHAHAHA.
Thanks to all these games, I kinda forgot how it is outside. Forgot how to have fun outside on my own lol. Oh well, who cares. Its my life anyways. So people, if you call me out and I say "I don't feel like going because I want to play game at home", don't get pissed off lol. It'll be a definate "YES I WILL GO OUT WITH YOU" only IF SHE asks me out, or if you guys treat me in like everything MUHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH. So no money, the lesser chance of me going out with you guys :P.
Speaking of her, uh did she go overseas or something? I think she did -_-. SMSed her quite a few times but she wont reply. Plus her screen name in MSN is "i need a direction finder". Hmm... Hope she reply me soon MUHAHAHAHA because I'm REALLLLLLLY missing my *eh hem* angel XD. Hah, I mean I miss SMSing with her.
Oh ya, by the way, those people who have no idea what Ragnarok is about, here are some screen shots of me playing lol.

The current RO, Ancient RO.

The previous RO, Nameless RO. Sohee and I sitting together on a bridge in Geffen.

The previous RO, Nameless RO. Me (Silent Killer) and my cute talking loyal pet Sohee, Alma.
11:21 PM