Thursday, November 30, 2006
Every day, every hour, every minute, every second, I'm thinking of her. Its like I'm addicted... Oh yes, this is love. This is true love... But is she overseas?...
10:40 PM
Monday, November 27, 2006
Weeee been playing game 24/7 these few days. Restarted Ragnarok, but this time I'm on a different server again... My Godlike Silent Killer still in Nameless RO though. Only been playing in Ancient RO for 2 days, and my Silent Killer is already level 192, and my Kel Morian is already 170. Man, I gotta be a pro heh. "Soon you will see me rise above others, and become GOD of all Assassins in Ancient RO as well as the BEST PVP player in the server MUHAHAHAHAHA. I wanted to create a guild yesterday so I asked GIRLS only whether they were interested in playing but it was a nono... Guess none of the YISS people know Ragnarok huh?... Oh well, its back to SAS guild then MUHAHAHAHAHA.
Hmm other than Ragnarok, I've been playing Starcraft as well. Maybe if I go back to Korea and I can win those Starcraft tournaments hah. They pay the winner quite a lot lol. Some people in Korea make a living out of their pro Starcraft skills. Bet I can match up to them with my Kel-Morian Battlecruiser fleet MUHAHAHAHA. OR my Gateway lover strategy MUHAHAHAHHA. OR my Hydralisk lover strategy MUHAHAHA.
Thanks to all these games, I kinda forgot how it is outside. Forgot how to have fun outside on my own lol. Oh well, who cares. Its my life anyways. So people, if you call me out and I say "I don't feel like going because I want to play game at home", don't get pissed off lol. It'll be a definate "YES I WILL GO OUT WITH YOU" only IF SHE asks me out, or if you guys treat me in like everything MUHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH. So no money, the lesser chance of me going out with you guys :P.
Speaking of her, uh did she go overseas or something? I think she did -_-. SMSed her quite a few times but she wont reply. Plus her screen name in MSN is "i need a direction finder". Hmm... Hope she reply me soon MUHAHAHAHA because I'm REALLLLLLLY missing my *eh hem* angel XD. Hah, I mean I miss SMSing with her.
Oh ya, by the way, those people who have no idea what Ragnarok is about, here are some screen shots of me playing lol.

The current RO, Ancient RO.

The previous RO, Nameless RO. Sohee and I sitting together on a bridge in Geffen.

The previous RO, Nameless RO. Me (Silent Killer) and my cute talking loyal pet Sohee, Alma.
11:21 PM
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Kinda showing off my new phone MUHAHAHAHA

Cool and sexy picture of me

School at 4 A.M.

"Like my moustache?"
Hmm... Not gonna put that much photos here right now since I'm lazy at the moment. Was just posting photos to show off my new phone HAHAHAHAHAHAH. Be cool, and rock on!!
12:09 PM
Friday, November 24, 2006
Band camp
Going to be a long long post heh.
Back from band camp!!!! It was 3days and 2 nights long. The first day was probably the most fun day to me. Not that much people came for the camp but around 90% of those already in the formation came so the formation went smoothly. We, the graduates (seniors) didn't have to do much. All we had to do on that day was to teach the juniors from our section (clarinet) how to march, and how to play the music. Had my lunch and dinner there and I think its probably the first time I actually got to enjoy eating during band. Usually they gave us rice, with like 2 nuggets or something. This time they gave us lots of stuff along with rice. Many breaks too during the practices. When it was around 9 P.M. we all had to play this game. Almost like "The Amazing Race" but slightly corrupted with randomness. We were separated into groups, then were given an envelope telling us where to go within the school. We had to visit many stations and complete tasks which were humilliating, foolish, BUT fun heh. Our task was to collect all the slips of paper and make up a story with it but due to slight misunderstanding, that part was history since the slips got mixed up. So we had to find the 4 main leaders instead. Everyone walked around the school but found no one. I, RAN around the school since it was my exercising hour anyways :P. I think I ran around the school twice, and plus became the first person to try the running trac the school built. Azar*(?) and I both found the leaders in the school field AT THE SAME TIME -_-. Unfortunately Azar(?)'s group members came first so they won. Pah. After the game we all went to our respective rooms. All the seniors and Mr. Hong slept in the music room. Both BOYS AND GIRLS. Was the first time sleeping with girls. Total 3 guys; Liang Jie, Me, Mr. Hong. and like many girls; Hui Min etc :P:D. It was like 3 A.M. but we all still couldn't sleep. The first to sleep was Mr. Hong, then followed by many people. I remember going to sleep after Yun Peng and the group came in the band room which was around 4 A.M. Then I woke again at 5 A.M. and realised that everyone went out of the room since the temperature was like damn freaking freezing. I also went out and waited for the sunrise XD. Got to play a guardian's role. Those two people I "guarded" doesn't know whether I did or didn't heh...
Next day, everything went out all smoothly. Then Min came too heh. Didn't really do anything on the second day actually... Hmm... Oh, Yun Peng and the group had to leave because they had to "work" according to Felicia but I hardly believe that heh. Later that evening, we had a celebration wishing Mrs. Yeo all the best for her time at Nan Hua Secondary School. There was this chocolate thingy, and we dipped various foods in it to get it chocolated lol. Tastes so damn good lol. After the celebration we had to play a game again. It was like, we had to go through each obstacle course without failure. Was ok but the task I had to do (pouring water thingy) was frustrating. Plus, Suliza was more strict with me than other people who had to do that thing lol. The last part, Azar had to dance LOL. DAMN HILARIOUS heh. He was like hopping, moving his arms in like those Indian dancing style, and was like spinning around LOL. should have video taped... X-Men 3 came next and I saw the movie once again and was again pissed off by the "Iceman VS Pyro" scene. After the movie in the AVA room, I went straight up to the music room to sleep. Was enjoying my sleep until a VERY energetic MIN woke me up heh.
The third day was nothing actually. The band just had normal practice, then it was it. Hmm thanks to the leaders who made the camp more interesting by coming up with the games. Will never forget getting BULLIED by CANDICE AND SUGANTHI, the chocolate thingy, truth or dare with Michelle, Steph, and Zhi wen*(?), playing the electricity game, 3 6 9 game, and the cop and the murderer game, and MOST importantly, seeing HER almost everytime and seeing her sweet innocent sleeping face awwwwwwwwww so kawaii!!!!
3:06 PM
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Class barbecue at Mr. Wee's
Had our first class barbecue after the O levels. It was the FIRST one and a lot of people didn't come. I think all the people who came for Mr. Wee's barbecue last time came. The barbecue was fun as usual because I got to start the fire!! I got burned quite a lot of times but thats ok. Used to burning myself anyways since I always play with my lighter... "James, you are asking for it" hell no. Pyromaniacs are like this... Plus I used to consider all flames my friend when I was down or depressed and had no one to talk to. Still do XD.
Hmm... After starting the fire, we all began to cook stuff. The same stuff from the previous barbecue. This time I didn't eat much... Only ate 1 chicken wing, and 2 satae -_-... Was gonna eat more but Wei Jian wanted to play soccer at the tennis court. Soccer was fun as I played the game I played usually when I was at the tennis court with a soccer ball and a group of friends. Its like playing tennis with a soccer ball except the ball can bounce as many times as long as it stays inside the court. We changed to 5 bounces only to make things harder. Wei Jian and Umesh did most of the work for my team since I was always up infront. Didn't really want to kick the ball since my shoe is already damaged... Soccer match came next and it ended a draw because Kartik had to go.
After soccer I was damn exhausted and was chilling out. Had the chance to give Kok Quan my advice about learning martial arts... "Why learn martial arts when you can make your own moves?". Yeah, thats me. Made my own moves already.
Hmm after the barbecue Kok and I sent walked with Mei Hui to her house. Since it was late and yeah... Heh after Mei Hui reached her home safely Kok and I went to 7-11 to get some drinks (no alcohol). Kok bought vanilla coke and he shook it several times heh. After like 5 minutes, he opened it and the coke kinda came out as if there was a volcano eruption LOL. Kok was like "Don't worry, my... *chokes*" LOL. The coke went up his nose and choked him LOL. Was so damn funny because it wasn't expected LOL.
Anyways, thats all for today. By the way, for this coming monday's Sentosa thing, I don't feel like going... Enough beach... Enough walking around... Enough salt water... Enough Sentosa for THIS year. I know I have said this many times heh. Just REMINDING those who wants to convince me to go. Its a nono.
11:37 PM
Thursday, November 16, 2006
End of O levels...
Today was my final O level paper, Chemistry. I found the paper ok... Not too much difficult questions. There were around 3 or 4 questions I wasn't so sure of though... Today was only the end of O levels for 4E2 Literature students and 4E1 students. They all seemed happy... I'm just neutral... Its like bad news and good news to me. First the good news is that I don't have to stress myself out by stuyding and stuff. The bad news is that I'll probably never see some of my friends until the day of our results... Especially my one and only? Heh.
After the exam today I went to see Casino Royal with Tae Hyung and my bro. Guess what? The movie is like 2 hours and 30 minutes long and there are too much "talking" scenes... I loved one part though. Its DAMN FREAKING HILARIOUS!!!! James Bond gets captured (as usual) and gets his balls whipped by a freaking BULLWHIP OMFG heh. Yeah he's naked but of course the movie doesnt show the dick (duh?). He gets whipped over and over again in the balls for like 6 times and he still FREAKING LAUGHS. TH and I were like "OMFG how the FUCK?! can he still FUCKING laugh?!" LMFAO. And the new bond is damn cocky... You'll see in the movie if you watch it. REMEMBER THE BULLWHIP SCENE!! LMFAO.
After the movie we ate Mac and TH reminded me of all the good old days lol... The good old days... I laughed like crap because of the bullwhip and because we made words by pronouncing words backwards (TH came up with it...). Like stop is pots and run is nur LMFAO. Its like my first time laughing so hard since like a month ago I think... Yeah, I cried because of laughing LOL. Planning to go lan with TH this saturday too in the morning since Mr. Wee's bbq is on the evening.
Lastly, I would like to thank all my friends in YISS for being there for me, for making life in YISS a little easier for me. When I first came into YISS I thought I couldn't have any good friends since I was "different"... I couldn't speak Chinese, Malay, or Indian -_-... Only English. BUT you guys in 4E2 all spoke English or TRIED to speak English when I was around so that I can understand... So I thank you so much :D. I also thank my one and only for being there for me by at least SMSing me back whenever I needed company :D. I thank her for being my guardian angel in YISS as she guided me in many things like about many things in band, and some school stuff. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! (I sent her a "letter" saying all these so no need to worry whether she visits my blog or not...)
11:48 PM
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Just 3 more papers...
Almost finished with O levels now... So far, all the papers were OK to me. Those papers I'm not so confident with are my Literature, Bio (Practical), Core Geography, and maybe English. Maybe I'm setting my expectations too high but I REALLY want at least an A2 for all subjects... NOTHING below that... Well, so far, I know I have tried my best and I know God has helped me through out the papers and will continue to help until the end of Chemistry paper...
Come to think about it... After the O levels, my chances of even SEEING her will be slim... If I can not see her after the O level exams ends, then I don't want O levels to end. I need more time... Not to prepare for the rest of the papers, but to be with her... Time is all I need...
After the O levels, I have a band camp waiting, Mr. Wee's barbecue party at his place, class chalets, and MOST importantly the graduation dance. I hope after the O levels, her mind would change about me or something so that she'll accept me to the dance...
I don't know why I'm like this these few days... I'm not so friendly to people anymore and I hate people accompanying me... I prefer silence rather than those times when I loved loud hard rock music... Kinda sound like a Lone Wolf... Don't think its because of the exam fever either...
Maybe, just maybe, I'll change if she at least accepts to go to the graduation dance with me... Other than that, IF I get my hands on the red lens Oakleys, then I might change.
5:18 PM
Friday, November 03, 2006
Old days...
Damn I miss the old days... Just went out to get some fresh air and came back. The moon was shining so brightly... It brought me lots of fun memories... I'll probably never forget those memories where I spent time with my ex-lover, Chie. Heh. As I went around Signature Park, I remembered every single I said to her when I was with her, and all the fun we had together. Good memories huh? I was like "Oh, this was the place where I did this, that, blah blah. Guess I won't be able to do any of it with HM huh?... (Yeah, gonna write her code name now since everyone knows right? Heh).
Hmm... Just now I got frustrated over 2 TV shows which I favour. One is Goong (궁), the Korean best drama, and the other is Smallville... In Goong, I get fed up when Yul or Lu (in channel 9) try to steal Chae-Gyung from Xin. OMFG even though it was just a drama, I got so pissed. I was like "Why the FUCK doesn't he just leave the now-happy couples alone?!". I mean even though its his first love, they're already officially married! Its like stealing someone's wife. WTF? Those who doesn't watch the drama won't understand what I'm talking about heh. So go and watch... Everyone's watching and you don't want to be left out heh. Straight after Goong, came Smallville. Only watched the last 30 minutes of it though. In Smallville, Clark saves Lionel Luthor and his mom, Martha Kent and also finds out that Lionel now knows his secrets. Clark's mom thinks Lionel is a changed man and is now "good" BUT freaking Clark doesn't think so... Again, I was like "WTF, just give the poor man another chance OMG. I was like he already knew your (Clark's) secret for almost an year and he didn't spread it to anyone!!" OMG damn frustrating how the story goes... Ofcourse not frustrated at the actors. They're aces. Their actings are damn good.
Hmm... Thats that. I think I have 6 more O level papers left... Next one coming up is Math and Social Studies. Well, study FUCKING hard for it people. All the best. Cya when I cya.
10:13 PM