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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Here's the thing,

Talking about ideal girlfriends/what I look for in a girl
Infront of someone who you used to like (and she knows you did sincerely)

It was a good heart to heart talk though.
Oh found out Singapore American School girls are not like local school girls too HAHA.

Anyways, I'm booking in in.. 2 hours time =(.
Hope I get to book out this Friday and not Saturday morning =S. I have tennis appointments with my MI brothers on Saturday morning =S.

4:36 PM

Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Who are all those "her"s and "she"s in MOST of my previous posts?!?!

LOL!! Title says it. I can't really remember.
Maybe if I try REALLY hard I will.
Or its just me NOT wanting to remember because I ALWAYS go emo thinking about girls etc.
And especially at times like this when I have absolutely NOTHING to do (School, band, etc to keep my mind busy).
Well its all in the past. BUT my friends have an awesome saying: "Old flames can light up again" LOL. So true. Happened 3 times already!! Note "HAPPENED", so not anymore =P.

P.S. This song Zane Ang Wen Suan let me listen to is FREAKING AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its a Irish/Celtic traditional music and the Pan Flute/Pan Whistle player from the "band" is freaking pretty too!! Super cute too!! =D=D.

P.P.S. I don't think anyone checks my blog anymore LOL. So its like I'm writing to myself haha! Self reflection I guess? (Oh wait.. I got Facebook and Twitter for that! LOL)

9:39 AM

Sunday, January 03, 2010

So its 2010!! Like finally. And I'm hitting 20 soon =S.
Can you believe it?! I've been single for 20 years!! LOL. Story of my life - being single haha.
I've seen lots of people put "getting a boy/girl friend" or "getting a NEW boy/girl friend" as their 2010 resolutions. Well not for me =). I'm going into NS real soon (Feb 4th 2010) and I don't think I'll be committed to my love-life at all.
Plus I changed over the years. I'm not the guy who thinks I NEED a girl friend anymore lol <- I was despo right?

2009 has been a great year for me. I got really really close to the closest friends I have (mostly my classmates and band mates), got closer to those special to me ( =D ), made lots of new awesome friends, and etc. Names will not be mentioned cuz there are too many =P.
2009 was also the year I took THE most stressful exam ever: The A Levels~
I remember I was so stressed that I started losing hair during the final preparations for the exam. I kinda miss school~
Now for the regrets... I guess I regret falling in love again in early 2009 to mid-ish 2009. What an irony eh? "Regret falling in love"? LOL. Now its just something I'll look back and laugh about =). Oh and not being able to spend time with my Secondary school friends!! =(. We planned lots of outing but I don't remember going for any =S.

2009 was the first time going out on New Year's eve too!! =D. With the prettiest girl ever too!! Right Pretty MaMa!! XD (Not sure whether she still checks my blog though =S LOL). I swear I was the luckiest guy ever that day! XD. Oh oh and something I'll remember forever: Me literally laughing out loud while walking back to my house reading the Christmas & New Year's card she wrote me!! LOL. Why? Only she knows the reason LOL.

Oh and first time going for countdown with friends!!
With some of my friends whom I got really close to over the past few days: Qiao Ying, Yue Wei, Marcus Chen, Lincoln, Kaisheng, Tong, Samuel, etc. OWL was supposed to be there too but he was having fever =S.
I drank like crazy that night and started the new year with "an awesome hangover" LOL.
Would love to go into details on what crazy things we did that night (when we were all drunk) but I'm too sleepy right now~ =P.
Happy 2010 everyone!

11:22 PM

Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Avatar = Greatest movie ever

I'm so in love with Avatar!!
Neytiri is like so pretty!! =D=D.
And the soundtrack OMGOMGOMG spine chilling.
Graphics are awesome, especially in 3D.
Plot of the movie is awesome too.
I'm soooo feeling the "bond" between me and the movie LOL!!
May Eywa be with you! Haha.

Anyways, this was my first post in like.. a decade!
I just HAD to blog about the most awesome movie I have ever watched in my entire life =D.

So about my life past few days.
Been going out frequently, to ECP, bars, movies, etc.
So I'm totally broke... I still have to prepare Christmas presents for those special to me!! =(.
I know only poor people say this but.. I really hate the fact that we need freaking MONEY just to chill out with friends and stuff. And why the hell must the drinks in bars be so expensive?!?! LOL.
I drank 3 glasses yesterday, and it wasn't enough so I bought another shot. The shot didn't even get me high =S. Plus it was $10... Money wasted! Lol.

Hope to go out again with my band drinking people again~ Oh and the gang from the mass gathering Qiao Ying arranged too XD.

10:18 PM

Monday, September 28, 2009

THE Korean is back!! WAHAHAHA!!

Hmm but I have nothing to post about lol.

Just played tennis with Siva in school.
Playing tennis with him works out your facial muscles and your abs. Why? Cuz you laugh like crazy XD.
But he's damn good though. If you don't count all the mistakes and the funny/dumb things he did LOL!!

Anyways, A levels coming~
Can't wait til I get it over with.

P.S. Do you think its okay for a 19 year old like me to date a 15 year old girl? LOL I think its okay~ =P.

6:19 PM

Thursday, June 18, 2009
Band Investiture and Barbecue

Band Investiture and Barbecue - 15/06/2009

2009 band investiture with MISB was the first ever band investiture I have ever been to. I didn't even know what "investiture" meant until I asked Abu haha.
Well the investiture was in LR1 and was carried out formally.
The emcees, Yong Fu and Natasha, started the event.
First it was Mr. Zachery Lim giving us a speech on how much the band have grown and about overseas programs for the band to give them more exposure to the public. Year 3s are allowed to go but I'm not sure about the guys because we'll probably go in NS in mid-December.
Then all the year 3s were given the graduation certificates since we were "graduating" from band. So Young was the only one not present -.-.
Next up (I think) was speech by Zane, our ex-vice-president of MISB during its growing stages. He kinda summed up what I wanted to say also. About how much the band means to me, and seeing how much we've improved over the years. Zane's a good speaker lol.
After the 2 long speeches, it was video time. They made a "video" (Powerpoint slides actually) of how the band progressed over the past 3 years. I got to relive the Novallennia days again as well as the days when we had our first ever public performance in school thanks to the awesome pictures taken. The chalets we had too. Thank God there was no picture of me drunk haha (Because I got drunk every band chalet LOL).
The presentation of the new committee members came next.
After everyone went up on stage, they all took the pledge!! Haha I thought it was pretty cool =D.
Haha and Hafizah took the Librarian post!! =D. Lets hope there is another January 27 baby joining the band so she can pass down the post to him/her LOL!!

Oh and someone catwalked in LOL ;)

That was about it for the investiture haha.

Next up, barbecue.

Barbecue was straight away after the investiture. We had to go change (no way in hell I'm going to a barbecue in school uniform) so Zane, Cindy, Yong Fu and I went off first because Zane and I had to get our clothes at our homes. Since Cindy and Yong Fu had nowhere to go, they came over to my place to change lol. Thought Cindy wasn't gonna go for the barbecue since So Young wasn't going lol. We kinda killed time at my place actually. Cindy was playing with the keyboard and Yong Fu was watching my brother play Left 4 Dead. In the end we all changed and headed to Westmall. Cindy takes damn long to change la!! LOL =P. Tsk and Cindy said I looked weird/funny wearing a hat =S lol. Plus she found it weird that I was wearing jeans to a barbecue. I always do!! Haha. Oh and not to forget her making fun of my luggage bag! Calling it a "kiddy-bag"!! Lol.
So we met Zane at Bukit Batok station first and waited for the rest so that we could all go to ECP together.
Had lots of fun telling jokes and all with Zane, Cindy and Yong Fu during the MRT ride.
When we reached ECP and our barbecue venue, it was like seriously about to rain. My lighter (Zippo) couldn't even light up because the wind was too strong. Plus we couldn't even play Volleyball properly!! Cindy's Volleyball "smash" is super funny!! Her's is like giving someone a bitch slap!! The ball flies towards her, and she just slaps it away to the side LOL!!
Since we couldn't do anything, and we didn't feel like sitting around while the barbecue pros were starting the fire, Cindy, Yong Fu, Anling and me went off to cycle/rollerblade. Anling convinced Cindy to go haha.
So, Anling and I skated, while Cindy and Yong Fu cycled. Damn fun =D=D. Cindy tried to race me then nearly lost balance =(. Should NEVER try that next time!
Anyways, Yong Fu is the only one on a bike whom I can't catch up to on a rollerblade. Probably it was because of the blades. I had piece of shit wheels which didn't even roll properly. Never gonna rent a skate from that shop.
Even Anling was complaining! Luckily no one fell that day haha.
I couldn't take much photos while skating because there were too much people and the road we were going on was too narrow -.-. Next time I will more =).
After resting at Mac for a while, we headed back to the barbecue. There, Cindy's camwhore session started using MY camera haha.
Jojo was there that time also haha. She wanted me to teach her how to skate. I swear, she just put on the skates and just started skating! I didn't have to do anything except like show her how I skate. Really fast leaner lol.
Then it was time for us to return the bikes and the skates to the shop so we went back.
On the way to the shop, I kinda bullied Anling by suddenly appearing right in front of her. It kinda scared her LOL!! Super funny.
After we came back to the barbecue pit, it was camwhore time again haha. With Cindy, Jojo Helmi mostly haha. Helmi kept on taking unglam pictures of me -.-. Haha Cindy took my camera thus, most of the pictures are taken by her like I mentioned in the Facebook album.
Soon after that, lots of people had to leave. Jojo, Helmi, Yong Fu, and lots more =(.
After a bit more of barbecue-ing, the drinks came in. CY started drinking with the others while I was trying to learn how to cycle. THEY STARTED WITHOUT ME!! =S. I gulped down half a cup of my Johnny Walker before we changed venues to this hut since it was about to rain, heavily (Didn't rain in the end though lol).
Then at around 10pm, Zane had to leave =(. Thought Eddy and Cindy were gonna leave as well but they stayed. Infact, Cindy stayed overnight!! XD. Plus Eddy stayed to take care of me lol. I still remember Eddy threatening me that he'll twist my nipples if I didn't drink the water lol. I think everyone drank abit that night. I drank 8 half-cups (Or maybe 7, not sure) of Johnny Walker, then for the last cup I mixed CY's Vodka with mine. It killed me lol. All I remember of that night is Cindy, Yvonne, Wei Lian, and someone (I think it was Aaron-Isabella lol) playing cards. The next thing I realise is I wake up on the bench, and realized most of the people were gone. Cindy was sleeping lol. So I went back to sleep also haha.

The next morning, Yvonne told me I fell off the bench I was sleeping on, then sat up on the ground, and just stayed there. I DON'T FREAKING REMEMBER THAT!!

Haha overall barbecue was awesome. I think some of you know why =). I was freaking happy/high haha!! =D=D=D. Just by thinking about it makes me happy =).

Oh by the way, Mei Hui, if you're reading this, I didn't say it that day. You know what I'm talking about. I could have killed the mood if I said it then. Maybe next time, on a date probably, I'll say...

3:59 PM

Thursday, June 11, 2009
Save me

Sometimes I really really REALLY feel like crying but the damn tears just won't come out.
Like right now.

I want to find my other half, whom I can pour my heart out to.
At the same time, I'm hoping that my other half is her.


No point talking about that.

Someone save me from this boredom...
Again, at the same time, I'm hoping this someone is her.

I think I'm super relaxed when I'm playing soccer or rollerblading. (Seriously considering buying a pair of blades so I can blade around everywhere...)
So until then...
ECP anyone?

10:15 PM

Sunday, May 17, 2009
Millennia Institute's Official Opening, Fun day with bandies =)

Yesterday, 16th May 2009, was Millennia Institute's official opening day.
Since the school wasn't officially opened when I was PU1/PU2, it means I've been schooling at a "ghost school" until now.

Of course the official opening was a prestigious event for the school, staffs and students so there was a really grand celebration which was prepared. Our band performed also and we were the first item. This was my last performance as a MISB member and as the section leader of Clarinet section as well as the librarian. So the performance meant alot to me.

So the whole event started with us playing 2 very easy pieces: Pechabel Canon and "Lei" (Chinese character). I wasn't feeling nervous at all this time. Was feeling a little sad though because it was my last performance. When we were playing the 2 songs, I suddenly felt all happy. Yes, I'm a little bipolar. Played all the notes with so much emotion to it.
After the Guest of Honour walked in, we had to play Overture No. 2 by Dr. Kelly Tang again... Was kinda getting sick of the song but still played it with my heart. After we finished playing the song, the curtains started to close and that marked the end of my final performance.
I'll definately go back to the band even after I graduate to perform with them or to act as like an advisor to the band and my beloved Clarinet section.

Anyways, after the performance, all the band members went into one of the classrooms to wait for the GoH to walk past so we could greet him. While in the classroom, I took photos with lots of my bandmates. Afterwards, we all went down to join people for the MI carnival.
I went straight to the basketball court to meet my classmates first then to the canteen where most of my bandmate's stalls were located. Then I went to watch Transcendence to support all my friends who were performing.
All the performers really did well but I say the best performer ever was none other than Zane!! When he was singing his solo, everyone around me was like "Wow... This guy can sing!". Haha then I was like "Yeah yeah! Thats my friend!! Woohoo!!" XD.
Shima, Jojo, Farith, Mel, Hanis, Wan, and Terry performed super well too.

After the end of Transcendence, we (Cindy, Zane, So Young, Yong Fu, Sae and I) met up to go to CSC (I don't know what it stands for) to play pool. Sae was the only one who couldn't play pool so we taught him how to play XD. We were all super hungry that time so we just played pool for an hour. Zane was super pro haha. First match was Zane and Yong Fu VS Me and So Young. So Young and I got trashed haha thanks to Zane. The second match was Me and Cindy VS So Young and Sae. Cindy and I were winning this time haha =D. Then all of a sudden all of us couldn't make any pockets because we were all playing safe (Trying to make difficult shots for opponents) haha. So Zane and Yong Fu joined So Young's team to help them out for a few shots. Talk about unfairness! XD. Even though it was like.. 4 on 2, we (Cindy and I) made some awesome shots to keep the lead. Then Cindy put in the 8 ball for the win XD. Wish I had some pictures to post hah. I really enjoyed the pool match =)=)=).
After pool was arcade time. We went there to play photohunt as usual XD. Our goal was to beat the high-score some other people set haha. First attempt was a failure because of some really difficult images and fat fingers XD. Second attempt, I was so determined to beat the high score so I pressed on all the different items as fast as I could haha. In the end we beat the high score like by alot! XD. Entered our name initials as the high scorer name.

Then as always, we went to Westmall to have our dinner. This time to the food court though haha. Had my pork meal from the Korean store as always. No one really talked during dinner because all of us were super hungry I guess. Then we saw the dudes who were playing pool at the table next to us. Cindy was the first to see them haha. I saw the guy, I was like "That guy looks like a monkey". He seriously did! With round ears that were attached so close to the cheek bones!! Monkey boy. At least he didn't have the face-you-want-to-bash-up. If he did, then my appetite would have been gone haha. Its called a jae-su-up-nen-ul-gul in Korean haha.

After dinner was arcade again. At Westmall arcade though XD.
First game we played was the game where you get to throw balls at the screen. Super fun, especially the mosquito stage. We were all so hyped after the game haha. We all went to play whatever games we wanted to play after that. I went to play the Rambo game with Sae haha. My accuracy improved alot since the last time I played. In the end we both died at the Heli stage.
Went to find Zane, Cindy and So Young after that. Cindy and So Young were playing basketball haha. They JUST managed to get to the 2nd stage haha. Then they wanted to get on the simulator thing. So I treated them the ride XD. They were both like laughing all the way haha. So Young being more spastic than Cindy that is.
After that Cindy said she wanted to play Time Crisis 2 like at the same time I wanted to play too (Does the sentence make sense?) so I got to play with her haha. We were seriously enjoying our game until I ran out of credit on my Time Zone card. When Cindy went to top up, this kid came and started to play with me. Couldn't say no cuz he was just a kid... Was hoping he die really fast but this kid was seriously pro haha. He joined int he middle of Stage 2 then went all the way with me to beat the boss XD. Cindy watched for a while then went off to see the others play the dance game. When we beat the boss I smiled at the kid then said "Good game" haha.
Zane and Sae were playing the dance game that time. Speed was super slow! Haha. Sae was doing pretty good at that speed but Zane kept on missing LOL. After watching for a while, I went off to play Crisis Zone (The SMG game). Managed to beat the game with 2 credits... Could have done it in 1 but I was being too careless during the office stage. I beat the boss with just 1 life left! XD.

After arcade, we chilled at the entrance of Westmall (The one with the benches and the stairs) for a while before deciding to go to Eddy's house to drink and chat. Time was the problem then because it was like 10pm and Yong Fu lived in Tampines. So like by the time he gets back home, it would have been like 2am IF he hung out with us. So Sae and Yong Fu both decided to go home, leaving the 4 of us to take the cab to Rail Mall to buy ice for the Whiskey Eddy was bringing down. Cindy was complaining because Eddy was bringing down Whiskey and not Vodka LOL. For me, any alcohol thats 40% and above is fine =D=D.
We met Eddy at his Condo at around 11pm, found a good place to sit down, and then we just laughed. At nothing. LOL. Zane was laughing because of Eddy, and Eddy was laughing because of Zane. Whenever Zane and Eddy laughed, So Young, Cindy and I laughed LOL. Then when the laughing stops, Eddy and I both look at each other, then starts laughing again HAHA. It was chaotic and super fun haha. No one can NOT laugh when Eddy does his high pitch laughter XD. Oh and Zane finally got to see how he laughs LMAO. So Young took a video of him laughing with the in-pain face XD. We laughed at the same thing we did last time LOL. Eddy's imitation of someone, then THE PHOTO So Young has in her phone, and Zane's face when he was laughing XD.
After laughing nonstop for like 30 minutes, the drinks came in XD. I drank the first glass with the ice. Was kinda disgusting but I forced it down haha. I say, all alcohols taste better when you don't mix and don't put any ice in it XD. I only felt high after my 3rd "shot". Was kinda glad Cindy didn't drink too haha. I wouldn't want her to get in trouble with her parents because she drank. AND I was super glad because her dad came over to fetch her since we all lived in the West and she in the North. At around 11:50pm I took the bus back with Zane. I was super drowsy (Drank like 6 shots as promised) and didn't pick up the things Zane said to me during the bus ride XD. I sent messages to So Young, Zane, Cindy and Eddy saying that I reached home and stuff but apparently, I typed gibberish because I was super drunk haha. Was kinda amazed at myself for walking home alone from the bus stop I got off from XD.

So yeah, it was a super fun day I had. Can't wait til I go out with them again XD.

P.S. The name was mentioned in this post, and I don't care whether people find out =).

11:05 PM

Thursday, May 14, 2009
Weakness, Confession

I admit. I do have a weakness for pretty/cute/adorable/attractive girls XD.
I bet 1 wink from them and I'm gone LOL.

Right... I'm bored right now. SMSing is getting boring too. Its boring when there is no reply haha...

Anyways, I was gonna confess my feelings this Monday or something. Which was why I put "I'm not afraid of rejections anymore" as my Facebook shout-out message...
I'm really not afraid anymore.. but I don't think I should confess... I mean she might have someone she likes etc...
While I was typing this (Which was like.. 10 minutes ago), at the back of my mind, I was thinking this: Its always a good feeling to be loved/liked. So if a person likes someone, he/she should just go ahead and tell that special someone that they like him/her right? No matter what the responses will be. Its not like people confess to others so that they can hear the replies/answers they want to hear.
I guess if you didn't hear the answer you wanted to hear from that special one, then you either wait paitiently for that special one to see things about you differently (more than a friend) or just simply move on.
I don't think I'll ever be able to move on completely hah...

Okay, mom's coming back. Gotta go~ =P.

P.S. I need tips on love. Anyone care to share? LOL

7:28 PM

Thursday, May 07, 2009

It was my first and my last Concert Band SYF competition.
No I'm not a first-timer to SYF. I went for the Millitary Band SYF competition with my YI band before.
I was freaking nervous when it was not even 24 hours before the performance time.
I ALWAYS feel super nervous before any competitions, performances, or sporting events.
But they don't affect me much. I was damn nervous when the band was performing infront of our Vice Principal on the SYF day and I didn't screw up at all.
Nothing much happened before boarding the bus to RP where SYF 2009 Central Judging for Symphonic Bands was held. Everyone was either eating bananas, chocolates, chatting, or was re-confirming their parts/score/instruments etc. Oh one thing happened. Someone (I really don't know who) kinda bent my reed. My favourite reed. Luckily I had 3 other spares...
Some of my friends messaged me wishing us good luck. Was really touched seriously because the school didn't even make an announcement about us going for SYF and yet they still remembered.
So at around 11:45am or something, we left for RP.

When we got there, I saw 2 familiar faces: Hazmi and Latiff. They came down to watch other bands perform and to support us I guess. Thanks a kazillion to them for the support.
I thought our band could sit around for a while before going into the Tuning room. We waited outside for only 10 minutes before the dude told us we had to go in.
Everyone was pretty tense/concentrated inside the tuning room. Including me. I was freaking nervous. After doing all the tuning our conductor, Mr. Wilson Ong, told us not to feel nervous. He told the band to scream at the top of our lungs to get pumped up. After that monstrous shout I let out, I felt better. Felt the adrenaline getting pumped into my body.

A few seconds after that, we were already backstage lining up in our concert rows. I tried not to feel nervous and just concentrated on playing the 2 pieces we were playing.
We stood at the backstage for about 5 mintes before we were allowed to go in.
I stared at the judges (With my awesome killer stare) when I stepped foot on the stage. I saw other bands watching as well. First thing I thought of was the Hwa Chong exchange and how I wanted our SYF to be like a revenge time for us.
Then the emcee announced our band and Mr. Ong walked in to start us off.

I don't really want to go into details about how we played. I'm in no position to judge our band anyways. I just want to confess that I did make a few mistakes here and there for both songs... I'm not proud of it, thats why its a confession... I was super upset when I made those mistakes that I wanted (And still wants) to kill myself...
I think mistakes that NEVER happened before and those that we thought would NEVER happen, happened during SYF.

After the performance, we asked our friends who were the audience about our performance. Everyone said we sounded okay and that we can get a Silver. Kinda got my hopes up.
I didn't really think of the result until the very last minute thanks to Xian Hua and the scissors, paper, stone game. I really really thought we could at least clench a Silver. Why? The opening when we played Finale (Our choice piece) was super grand. The ending was not bad as well with all the dynamic changes and accelerandos.

When the dude announced our results, I just couldn't believe what I heard.
"Band number 7, Millennia Institute: Bronze". I swear this will remain with me for the rest of my life... Its made a scar deep in my heart that it made it to my top-5 scar list (Ouch moments).
I just sat there, trying to control myself. I heard lots of *sniffs* all around me from where my fellow band-mates were seated...
I was feeling sad, disappointed, and angry at the same time...
Sad because it felt as if all the hard work we put in went to a waste... Disappointed because we didn't meet our target of getting a Gold award which, I still believe that we're capable of achieving... Angry at myself because I know I could have performed kazillion times better...

I think after hearing the results, I was like a walking time bomb. I tried to smile but the smile just faded after 0.5 seconds. Didn't feel like talking to anyone. My fists were clenched and all (But I was angry at myself).
Others would say we did fairly okay for a starting band that never took part in SYF before. I disagree.
I still don't think we deserve this kind of result. If they grade us based on the effort put in, we're definately a Gold with honours band.
I'm okay now but the scar will always be there to depress me I guess...

This kinda made me realise how important my band mates are to me and how much I love them (Yeah call me gay or what I don't care).

I really hope the other band members recover quickly too so that we can put up an awesome performance for the teachers of MI and the GoH during the MIOO and proove that we can do it.
So come on guys, lets put ourselves together and surprise the whole school during MIOO!!

Love is the best remedy. So always remember our teachers in charge: Mr. Zachery Lim and Ms. Huang Shijin, and our conductors: Mr. Wilson Ong and Mr. Lim Lip Hua loves us all.
And I love you all too. Feel the Korean love and cheer up yeah guys?

5:24 PM